Sign Container

We are now ready to sign our container using our own sigstore infrastructure

But before we do that, we need to use our own TUF public key file, you might remember created this when deploying the certificate transparency server.

Have this file locally and set it as an environment variable:

export SIGSTORE_CT_LOG_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE="/path/to/ctfe_public.pem"
COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=1 cosign sign --oidc-issuer "" --fulcio-url "" --rekor-url ""<github_user>/sigstore-thw:latest

:notebook: COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL does as it says, you're trying out an experimental feature here.

📝 If you receive an UNAUTHORIZED: authentication required error. You need to reauthenticate with your PAT in GitHub Container Registry again, refer to Configure registry

An example run:

COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=1 cosign sign -oidc-issuer -fulcio-url --rekor-url
Generating ephemeral keys...
Retrieving signed certificate...
Your browser will now be opened to:
warning: uploading to the transparency log at for a private image, please confirm [Y/N]: Y
tlog entry created with index:  11
Pushing signature to:

Verifying the signing

We will now verify the signing, but before we do we need to tell cosign about our fulcio root.

Grab your fulcio-root.pem cerficate you generated on the fulcio server (and also copied to the certificate transparency server)

Set the following environment variable:

export SIGSTORE_ROOT_FILE="$HOME/fulcio-root.pem"

Download the Rekor public key:

wget -O publicKey.pem

Set it in the appropriate environment variable:

export SIGSTORE_REKOR_PUBLIC_KEY="$PWD/publicKey.pem"

We can now verify:

COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=1 cosign verify --certificate-identity <OIDC-IDENTITY-EMAIL> --certificate-oidc-issuer https://<OIDC-SERVER-URL>/auth --rekor-url<github_user>/sigstore-thw:latest

Replace <OIDC-IDENTITY-EMAIL> with the e-mail address of the identity you used to sign to your Dex instance. An example:

COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=1 cosign verify --certificate-identity --certificate-oidc-issuer --rekor-url

Verification for --
The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
  - The cosign claims were validated
  - The claims were present in the transparency log
  - The signatures were integrated into the transparency log when the certificate was valid
  - Any certificates were verified against the Fulcio roots.
Certificate subject:  []
{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":""},"image":{"docker-manifest-digest":"sha256:568999d4aedd444465c442617666359ddcd4dc117b22375983d2576c3847c9ba"},"type":"cosign container image signature"},"optional":null}


If you got this far well done for completing the tutorial!


What Next

If you're not already part of the sigstore community, come and join us on our slack channel; Invite link and tell us abour your ideas!

If you want to improve this guide, please make an issue or better still a pull request!

Don't forget to delete your instances and not take on unwanted costs!

Having issues, not working?

Raise an issue (best option, as others can learn) or message me on the sigstore slack, I'm always happy to help.